Upgrade to fix key validation for non-UK registered affiliates, and initial support for Mexico.
Upgrade to update the Default Templates to use the new Amazon Widget URLS. NOTE you must go to the Templates page and install the new defaults!
3.2.4 – 24th June 2014
Upgrade to fix bug with saving Affiliate IDs on the Setup Screen.
3.2.3 – 11th May 2014
Upgrade to fix issue with US iframe image templates not working (faulty %RCM% keyword).
3.2.2 – 9th April 2014
Upgrade to add support for Amazon Brazil and fix some minor bugs.
3.2 – 12th March 2014
Upgrade to improve frontend performance, including User Channels.
3.1.2 – 16th December 2013
Upgrade to help improve performance and fix a number of bugs in version 3.1.0.
Upgrade to this version to allow much greater flexibility and features to the plugin. Some significant changes please see the Changelog for details and follow the Upgrade Guide. Please double check your Associate IDs and links after upgrading!
Upgrade to fix some bugs, improve error reporting and have access to hooks to modify the plugin behaviour.
Upgrade to fix a few bugs in the last release, and add support for AWS ID validation and Contextual help.
Upgrade to take advantage of the Template Manager and the new default templates, to improve page loading by activating the Product Cache, or to take advantage of the ‘country’ modifiers in the shortcode and templates.
Upgrade to enable ‘search for product’ type links or having problems with the search tool.
Upgrade if having problems getting prices for some items.
Upgrade to fix US localisation of image iframe template.
Upgrade to add support for www.amazon.es.
Upgrade to fix issue with Amazon.it AWS API, and add Amazon Tracking ID channels, and per User Amazon Affiliate IDs.
Upgrade to enable full support for the Amazon.it an Amazon.cn locales
Upgrade to fix some bugs with live data retrieval, clear up some confusion over why AWS Access is required.
Upgrade to fix some bugs with the initial 2.0 release, missing default Templates is the most significant.
Upgrade to this release to enable Product Templates, multi-product links, product links in widgets and major code rework.
Upgrade if you want partial support for China and Italy for the product search widget.
Upgrade to this release to add support for image links, and downloading of cover images to the WordPress media library.
Upgrade if you are having problems installing the ip2nation database
Upgrade to support the 2 new amazon associates site, and address ip2nation bug.
Upgrade if you are having problems with the javascript in the multinational link.
Upgrade to enable the metabox to allow easy insertion of the Amazon Links into Posts and Pages
Upgrade if you want multinational link support or link localisation.
Minor internal structural changes, add options link from plugin page.
Upgrade if you wish to have internationalisation (i18n) support.