Some guidance on upgrading the Amazon Link plugin from one version to the next.
Be prepared
As with all software upgrades have a recent backup your database prior to installation, at the very least take a screenshot of your settings. The plugin should upgrade okay but there may be teething problems with the new version so if you want to regress to a previous version you may need to reset your settings.
Disable Extra Plugins
The latest versions of the plugin support additional features installed as ‘extra’ plugins if you have installed any of these then prior to upgrading the Amazon Link plugin disable them.
Install the New Version
Upgrade the plugin using your usual method, normally using the ‘Update Now’ button on the Main Plugins page.
Any problems at any point in the upgrade process don’t hesitate to use the WordPress Amazon Link plugin forums to get help.
Check Your Settings
After the new version has been updated and re-activated go to the Amazon Link Settings page and check your settings are as expected, your IP2Nation database is detected, the AWS keys still validate and the cache is detected.
On the Affiliate IDs Settings page check your affiliate IDs are all correct (especially those in the default channel).
Check the Templates are still available on the Templates Settings page, and check each template displays as expected.
Upgrade Extra Plugins
If you are using any extras plugins go to the Extras Settings page and check if any need updating. One at a time Activate each plugin in turn checking for any problems.
Check Your Links
Browse a good cross section of your posts and pages check that the links are displayed as you expect and your affiliate IDs are included in the links.
If you use localisation then try using the spoof locale extras plugin to check what you site and links look like from other locales and that your affiliate IDs are included in the links.
Good or bad please feedback your view on the latest plugin version in the forum, rate or review the plugin, mark the plugin as ‘Working’ or not on the main plugin page, or if your feeling generous a donation might help the next version along!